Monday, October 3, 2016

                                                                           HYPE. Bureaucracy, Presidential Debates.

It is nice to be back in writing blogs. I'm that person who doesn't like writing every day stories about life. However, I'm here. In upcoming days I will try to write a lot of posts regarding the different topics ( at least i have to post :D ). Whatever, let's get started!
 Recent days i was under the radar. September was extremely busy. Truth be told, I have never had such stressful days ever since the last year when I had final exams at school. So, I applied to job in hospital. Obviously they pay scrupulous attention to every detail of your documents rather than other places, at least not linked with health caring services. First things first, It doesn't seem hard (How collecting the documents can be hard nowadays). But, bureaucracy system  in our country still has its problems regarding the implementation. Entities situated far from each other, and you have serious troubles in big cities even though if you have car. In order to get one stamp you should drive all over the city. Imagine the ones who do not have car, they are doomed to endure even more troubles... Actually, i hate when people complain a lot, but now I'm pissed off.
  Currently, USA presidential debate is popular topic to discuss. Honestly, majority hardly predicted candidacy of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton for presidency three years ago. What do we see now? Donald Trump has no political experience, and his temperament does not correspond to be the president. He talked a lot of contradictory things regarding the refugees, immigrants and are being accused for racism, sexism. Simultaneously, Hilary Clinton is flagrantly renown for her secret mails which were hacked by Russian hackers. As hackers say, these mails include information about surveillance, espionage and so on.So this debate largely lived up to the hype (over 100 million people all over the world paid attention to it). They have answered important questions and revealed their plans regarding the future of the USA and war in the Middle East. Of course, they also punched each other when they had such opportunity. 
 I had eagerness to watch these debates until the end. I  always obtain something new from such events. And it was pretty interesting to spectate it, but in the end i asked myself: "How did USA get to this?" From majorities opinion ( from mine too ), they are the worst candidates to presidency. America is going through the bad times and have its own problems inside. Can new president of USA govern country properly and handle its problems? Who knows, time will show everything. 

1 comment:

  1. Good language.
    Be careful talking about politics:)
    If you read articles, books or even watch videos, you need to provide references according to APA style format.
