Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Management Style: USA vs. Japan

Such a efficient day! Hi there, and welcome. For now i want to discuss abou American and Japanese management styles and their special fetures. These countries are in the leading position in terms of business and economic development. so, what do these countries represent with their management styles.
Management style is the manner in which an organization manages its employees and their work activities and will vary depending upon factors such as the characteristics of employees, the work activities engaged in, and the culture of the organization. A successful management style should effectively build teams and be able to motivate. A company without a good management is doomed to extinction. Henceforth, it is extremely important to choose the appropriate management style that would not only prevent such dreadful fate, but would also bring a desired success to a company.
 The two mostly discussed styles that compete against each other in terms of which one is more successful are the American and Japanese management styles. Both styles are unique. In the frequent debates that take place when comparing these two approaches emerge question, which one is more efficient and, therefore, should be implemented in the companies. Throughout the years when America’s economy suffered, the Japanese economy stood afloat. So when the economy in the USA in the 1970s worsened, the Japanese economy sustained a fairly high growth rate during the same time. The reason is that Japanese companies were managed better rather than American companies. Furthermore, Japanese factories have been considered to be using the best management style with high standards for quality while having the most advanced technology. Nonetheless, American companies have been successful in the marketplace as well. According to the World Management Survey, American companies applied appropriate management style and got through the darkest economical periods. Moreover, they have made tremendous profit and avoided bankruptcy in the crisis times. American companies have grown faster than companies of other countries.

 There are divergent points of view regarding the efficiency of these styles, some thinks Japanese management approach is more effective than American, respectively others think American approach is more effective than Japanese. However, both of these styles have their advantages and disadvantages, when it comes to execution and achievement of goals advantages must overweight the weaknesses. That is why the competition between American management and Japanese management must be scrutinized in details.


The importance of Marketing in Global Economic Environment

Hello again, as you may know corporations and companies are being promoted by marketing. Marketing is not just advertising, it teaches consumers to choose wisely and economy. So, let me write about it in formal way

Marketing has acquired an important place for the further development of the economy of the certain country. Companies and corporations are more dependent on promotion of their products. Marketing is not strictly about advertising. It is broadly known as the activity and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging things that have value for consumers, clients, partners, and society and large. As the result, marketing is considered as the important activity in a business enterprise while before it was considered to be the last activity. Today, marketing in great extent helps to facilitate between sellers and buyers for the mutual benefits.

 Firstly, marketing delivers value. Value is always at the center of everything marketing does. These values are being created by suppliers and customers as the result of their collaboration. It defines certain product’s monetary cost. Mostly, value is the result of received benefits and spent effort for these offerings.

Secondly, marketing benefits society. Marketing educates people so they can find products they want to make better choice about. It benefits society in general by improving people’s lives. Endless competition between companies leads to development of products, to their diversity and modification and makes marketplace even more competitive. The world that we have now is the result of competition and rivalry of preceding companies.

Thirdly, marketing offers people careers opportunity. Companies and enterprises expand in sizes due to their popularity and success. Of course, this success is acquired by marketing techniques and managing of a firm’s resources and activities in the right way. The companies and corporations such as Coca-cola, Samsung, McDonalds, Apple and etc. are spreading all over the world. That is why, people can find the workplaces for their future careers.
21st century is the time of open relationships between countries all around the world. Due to the companies and their chains around the world people have to communicate and create partnership. Sociologists call it process of globalization. There are no boundaries between states any more. Definitely, here we do not considers the countries which hold closed policy like North Korea and other states from Africa. Marketing provides us communication with foreign countries, trades and exchanges.                        
Let us compare the current economic situation and 40 years before. There is enormous difference, in 70th relationship between states were cold ( Example of cold relations between USA and USSR). However, years after years, expansion of companies and their marketing strategy, needs to trade have made it stop. We have organizations and unities towards the open exchanging of commodities and services which also provides friendly relationships between countries and their population.
But, there is also drawbacks of marketing. Today’s economic environment is also tough. Consumer spending is low and at the same time consumers have become very knowledgeable and selective about the product they buy. Decision making is happening mainly based on word of mouth, though advertising is also playing a crucial role in decision making. Marketing should educate customers so that they can find the products they want to make better choices about those products, and extract the most value from them. However, nowadays companies are trying to distract their potential buyers from their product’s minuses. It is all just in order to get more profit and stay afloat.

In conclusion, Marketing discovers needs and wants of society, produces the goods and services according to these needs creates demand for these goods and services. They go ahead and promote the goods making people aware about them and creating a demand for the goods, encouraging customers to use them. Thus, it improves the standard of living of the society and promotes further development of Global Economic environment.

                                   Management in History
Hey! Another post is about evolution of management throughout the centuries. Management has been practiced a long time. Organized endeavors directed by people responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling activities have existed for thousands of years. Let’s look at some of the most interesting examples.

The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China are proof that projects of tremendous scope, employing tens of thousands of people, were completed in ancient times. It took more than 100,000 workers some 20 years to construct a single pyramid. Who told each worker what to do? Who ensured that there would be enough stones at the site to keep workers busy? The answer is managers. Someone had to plan what was to be done, organize people and materials to do it, make sure those workers got the work done, and impose some controls to ensure that everything was done as planned.

Another example of early management can be found in the city of Venice, which was a major economic and trade center in the 1400s. The Venetians developed an early form of business enterprise and engaged in many activities common to today’s organizations. For instance, at the arsenal of Venice, warships were floated along the canals, and at each stop, materials and riggings were added to the ship. Sounds a lot like a car “floating” along an assembly line, doesn’t it? In addition, the Venetians used warehouse and inventory systems to keep track of materials, human resourcemanagement functions to manage the labor force (including wine breaks), and an accounting system to keep track of revenues and costs.

Starting in the late eighteenth century when machine power was substituted for human power, a point in history known as the industrial revolution, it became more economical to manufacture goods in factories rather than at home.These large efficient factories needed someone to forecast demand, ensure that enough material was on hand to make products, assign tasks to people, direct daily activities, and so forth. That “someone” was a manager: These managers would need formal theories to guide them in running these large organizations. It wasn’t until the early 1900s, however, that the first steps toward developing such theories were taken.

These were the three main examples which show the application of managerial skills and start evolution of management.

Good day! So now, I'd like to write about my future occupation and its truly goals. Management is broadly spreaded profession which requires responsibility.
Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so
that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. Exactly coordinating and overseeing the work of others is what distinguish managerial position from non managerial ones. However, this doesn’t mean that managers can do what they want anytime, anywhere, or in any way. Instead, management involves ensuring that work activities are completed efficiently and effectively by the people responsible for doing them, or at least that’s what managers aspire to do.
managers perform certain activities or functions as they efficiently and effectively coordinate the work of others. These functions are: planning, organizing, leading, controlling. As managers engage
in planning, they set goals, establish strategies for achieving those goals, and develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Managers are also responsible for arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organization’s goals. We call this function organizing. When managers organize, they determine what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who
reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made. Another function is leading. When managers motivate subordinates, help resolve work group conflicts, influence individuals or teams as they work, select the most effective communication channel, or deal in any way with employee behavior issues,they’re leading. And last one is controlling. After goals and plans are set, and people hired and motivated, structural arrangement put in place, managers must monitor and evaluate performance. It is called controlling.
Managerial functions are the base of this profession. They must be responsible and decisive in crucial moments. Having known that managers always interact with subordinates, they must keep camaraderie.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


                           Elon Musk and his investments in future.  

Good evening! Another post about economics or businessmen.
The world in which we live in is being progressed by businessmen. These people are "elite" whose activity in different spheres of services and production drag entire world ahead. One of these businessmen is Elon Musk. Elon Musk is South African-born Canadian-American business magnate, engineer, entrepreneur and engineer. Currently he is co-founder of SpaceX, Tesla Motors, chairman of SolarCity and co-chairman of OpenAl. 
Let's talk about his activities in details. Firstly, he is a co-founder of SpaceX ( Space Exploration Technologies Corporation). SpaceX was founded with the goal of creating the technologies to reduce space transportation costs and enable the colonization of Mars. It is a really good thing with auspicious perspectives. Humanity cannot stay and develop on Earth for further millenniums. The fact that he invested all his money on such risky project makes Elon Musk crazy. He has invested everything he has earned from his renown project "Paypal". But now we see that he has known what he was doing.
 Another project is Tesla Motors. The company specializes in electric cars and its powertrain components as well. It manufactures cars of the future which are not dependent on traditional fuels.  Ecology is suffering and last years it is getting even more worse. That is why, no doubt that these cars are the future of Earth's prosperity. 
 In conclusion, Elon Musk is entrepreneur with futuristic mind. 21st century is a period of turning into future. Nowadays, people are suffering from wars and massive turnovers. Governments of many countries spend tremendous amount of money on weapons and military transport. Instead, they should invest in researches of artificial technologies and develop ecological ways of livelihood. Elon Musk is a good example to emulate. 


Friday, October 7, 2016

                                     Inflation Rate Forecast in Kazakhstan.

Hi there! Welcome back to my corner in the Internet universe. Today I'm gonna talk (write) about expectation regarding the inflation rate in Kazakhstan.
 Nowadays, our country is going through the dark times. Inflation is gradually growing year after year and economy is on a shaky platform of instability. Due to the unstable situation in the world our economy and the world trade market are fickle. Currencies and price of oil fluctuate spontaneously damaging our  pricing policy. In the light of the day, the inflation has risen and alters the life of citizens. In fact, Kazakhstan always had a problem with its currency, pricing system and inflation. But what to expect in the future, is there an exit from this situation.
 Trading economics is a website which forecast and calculates different kind of rates, respectively inflation rate as well. Inflation Rate in Kazakhstan is expected to be 8.40 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysis expectation. Looking forward, it estimates Inflation Rate in Kazakhstan to stand at 6.80 in 12 months time. In the long term, the Kazakhstan Inflation Rate is projected to trend around 4.7 percent in 2020. This information is based on Trading Economics' economic models.
 The fall of the Rate of Inflation in Kazakhstan is like forthcoming of economical prosperity in the future perspective. Moreover, president Nursultan Nazarbayev promised economical rise after the end EXPO 2017 and other events which were planned earlier.

Monday, October 3, 2016

                                                                           HYPE. Bureaucracy, Presidential Debates.

It is nice to be back in writing blogs. I'm that person who doesn't like writing every day stories about life. However, I'm here. In upcoming days I will try to write a lot of posts regarding the different topics ( at least i have to post :D ). Whatever, let's get started!
 Recent days i was under the radar. September was extremely busy. Truth be told, I have never had such stressful days ever since the last year when I had final exams at school. So, I applied to job in hospital. Obviously they pay scrupulous attention to every detail of your documents rather than other places, at least not linked with health caring services. First things first, It doesn't seem hard (How collecting the documents can be hard nowadays). But, bureaucracy system  in our country still has its problems regarding the implementation. Entities situated far from each other, and you have serious troubles in big cities even though if you have car. In order to get one stamp you should drive all over the city. Imagine the ones who do not have car, they are doomed to endure even more troubles... Actually, i hate when people complain a lot, but now I'm pissed off.
  Currently, USA presidential debate is popular topic to discuss. Honestly, majority hardly predicted candidacy of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton for presidency three years ago. What do we see now? Donald Trump has no political experience, and his temperament does not correspond to be the president. He talked a lot of contradictory things regarding the refugees, immigrants and are being accused for racism, sexism. Simultaneously, Hilary Clinton is flagrantly renown for her secret mails which were hacked by Russian hackers. As hackers say, these mails include information about surveillance, espionage and so on.So this debate largely lived up to the hype (over 100 million people all over the world paid attention to it). They have answered important questions and revealed their plans regarding the future of the USA and war in the Middle East. Of course, they also punched each other when they had such opportunity. 
 I had eagerness to watch these debates until the end. I  always obtain something new from such events. And it was pretty interesting to spectate it, but in the end i asked myself: "How did USA get to this?" From majorities opinion ( from mine too ), they are the worst candidates to presidency. America is going through the bad times and have its own problems inside. Can new president of USA govern country properly and handle its problems? Who knows, time will show everything.